Energy and Brain Re-Patterning Technique (EBRT)
rning Technique (EBRT)
There is a long-held belief that the mind, body, and spirit are interlinked. It's not a far stretch of the imagination to think that if one of these elements is out of balance, it will have an effect on the other. Just think about the last time you had a chronic injury, lasting more than two weeks. The typical reaction is to find that over time, the physical injury begins to affect you on a mental and spiritual level.
When you are experiencing a dysfunctional state, especially for a prolonged period of time – examples can include anxiety, stress, phobia or chronic pain – it can eventually lead to a stagnation and alteration of your health and energy balance; and be felt as "dis-ease" within the body. To effectively return the body to balance and optimal health, we need to consider all the variables that can affect mind, body and soul.
EBRT is a culmination of three effective mind-body concepts and techniques. The concepts and techniques involved are: energy medicine, psychoneuroimmunology, and cranial osteopathy. These three powerful techniques and concepts will help the individual finally unlock the barriers that prevent them from healing.
Using the techniques involved in EBRT liberates the tissues and balances the body's various systems, which will allow the flow of energy to resume, therefore facilitating the body's inherent, or natural healing capacity, and an eventual return to a healthy state of being on all levels.
Remember, although EBRT deals with implementation of strategies to help the individual rethink and reorganize their belief about their injury, it is not a replacement for psychological consultation or psychological treatment that requires a medical intervention. If you believe that your issue has a deeper psychological nature, then we can help by referring you to other resources outside of our Centre that can assist you further.